This is actually my first FAQ/Guide, so I hope you find it helpful. I've been a long time user of GameFAQs and its abundance of great guides, but rarely have I seen a guide such as this, which is why I decided to write it. For ease of writing and understanding, I'll be using SNES controls to refer to buttons if I need to just be aware of this. Terms and stuff that may be used throughout the guide: HP | Hit points/health MP | Magic points/mana EXP | Experience TP | Tech Points G | Gold Swag | Treasure gained from defeating enemies/bosses Tech | The asterisk just indicates that it is a magic ability (I know, swag is the coolest word ever.) Also, since I was confused a bit at first about this, I'll quickly list the SNES buttons and the corresponding PSX buttons that are used for controls in Chrono Trigger: -SNES- | -PSX- A | O B | X Y | Square X | Triangle L | L1 R | R1 (I know I left out Start and Select, but they are the same on both, and if you didn't know that, you're a complete dolt).

Should you require it, you will easily find all that stuff on the excellent walkthroughs and guides on GameFAQs.

the thing with words that came with the game). This guide assumes you know the basic game controls and workings of the combat/tech systems and such (all that stuff is in the manual, you know. This guide is NOT a list of where to find every piece of equipment, or a list of all the enemies, or a list of other types of information that I deem unnecessary.
_ This guide is NOT a full walkthrough in specific detail that will guide you along step by step, getting every item possible. By the time you face the final adversary of the game, you will have reached a respectable level of about 60 you shall easily crush the fiend and all of its likenesses.
By following this guide, you will learn the best (in my opinion) ways to defeat every last boss and obtain every piece of amazing equipment, knowing how to use them all together, effectively. I will be writing everything in here as I do it in the game, marking what levels I am and my party at each boss battle.

I will give detailed strategies for character building and suggestions on which characters to use at certain times and against certain enemies. _ It's a subjective view on the best way to go about kicking ass in this game. Unfortunately I don't own an original SNES Castlevania, so I'm left using my PSX remake as part of Final Fantasy Chronicles it isn't terribly different, and you should be able to make use of this guide regardless of whatever console your game is on. One day I decided to play my copy of Chrono Trigger, once again enjoying it's amazing gameplay I noticed how good I was, easily destroying the most feared of enemies, and decided I should contribute my knowledge to the community.
It's a comprehensive manual for total pwnage in Castlevania (you gotta love the gaming slang these days I'll try not to go overboard). This guide is not your typical walkthrough, it's a little something more.